Peer Voices United

About us

Dr. Gloria is so excited about partnering with Peer Voices,

who will serve as the organization’s fiscal sponsor, and Dr. Gloria will provide training and consultation for Peer Voices and its partners.

Collaborative Projects

Peer Voices united

Peer Voices United is an ongoing collaborative project of Peer Voices of Orange County and 10 behavioral health partner organizations.

Peer Voices United is an ongoing collaborative project of Peer Voices of Orange County and 10 behavioral health partner organizations.

Collectively, the majority of our services reach people who are currently experiencing stages of homelessness, unemployment, trauma, mental health conditions, substance use disorders, incarceration, and community reentry following incarceration. Together, we create a movement that works to unite all people and voices in the behavioral healthcare arena, to improve the quality and reach of our services.

If you would like to learn more, donate, or join or cause, please contact us!

Our story

Together, the Peer Voices United collaborative project works to:

Peer Voices of Orange County, Lead Applicant, 501c3 organization. The mission of PVOC is to improve the quality of life and health outcomes of people with behavioral health conditions, through direct support services and meaningful inclusion in treatment planning and policy. (Federal Tax ID: 87-3791488)
Peer Voices of San Diego, Inc. is operating through a CA non-profit public benefit corporation using formal fiscal sponsorship with Peer Voices of Orange County. PVSD is a peer-run community-based organization specializing in various Peer Support Specialist Education and training, justice intervention for both youth and adults, reentry support, and Cognitive Behavioral group facilitation in all correctional settings. (Federal Tax ID:92-3438907).
Teens4Teens Help, a 501c3 partnering organization with an existing relationship with PVOC. The mission of Teens4Teens Help is to build a peer-to-peer mental health platform online for and by teens and young adults, where those who are suffering may find encouragement, education, and the self-motivation to choose recovery. (Federal Tax ID: 27-3165158).
Peer Voices Network is a writing, speaking, and media content project, and is a new organization seeking 501c3 status. The mission of PVN is to promote and amplify the voices, experiences, and needs of people with mental health conditions, neurodivergencies, and disabilities within written content and through advocacy events, to improve behavioral health systems and policies.
Communities Voices, 501c3 partner organization fiscally sponsored by PVOC through a formal MOU. The mission of Communities Voices is to provide emotional support, non-clinical counseling services, and community services navigation; to build a network of community organizations throughout the state of California to facilitate connections with the public. (Federal Tax ID: 88-2814320).
Peer Voices of Los Angeles, Inc. is operating through a CA non-profit public benefit corporation using formal fiscal sponsorship with Peer Voices of Orange County. PVLA is a peer-run community-based organization specializing in various Peer Support Specialist Education and training, justice intervention for both youth and adults, reentry support, and Cognitive Behavioral group facilitation in all correctional settings. (Federal Tax ID: 93-1580625).
Free Non Profit Marketing, a 501c3 organization fiscally sponsored by PVOC through a formal MOU. Experienced web content developer who specializes in the creation of social justice, health, and human service platforms for non-profit organizations. (Federal Tax ID: 93-3302030).
Peers and Clinicians Collaborative Alliance is a co-owned project of Orlando Vera (Peer Voices of Orange County) and Dr. Ehsan Gharadjedaghia (Norooz Clinic), and is fiscally sponsored by Norooz Clinic ( PCCA exists to promote collaborative and impactful understanding and support between peers and clinicians; bridging this gap in behavioral healthcare effectively promotes whole-person approaches to recovery.
Humanistic Technologies Incorporated, a partner organization with an existing formal MOU with PVOC. The mission of HTI is to deliver responsive and equitable technology platforms and solutions to enable human service, health, and social justice work to bridge qualitative “humanistic” analysis with quantitative “technological” protocols. (Federal Tax ID: 81-4511281).
Goldstein Constultants, existing contractors with PVOC and their collaborative partner(s). GC is a consultation and writing group that equips non-profits with effective organizational writing, grant application, funding research, grant management services, and collaborative project management services.
Poppy Life Care Foundation, a 501c3 partnering organization with a new relationship to PVOC. Poppy Life Care is determined to provide and deliver easy access to affordable, holistic, integrative, and complementary health and wellness resources and services for individuals and families living with a wide spectrum of physical, mental, and behavioral health challenges. Our mission is to facilitate awareness and education while building innovative care programs, which we hope to accomplish alongside our local communities, its businesses and people. We believe in helping each other as part of an ecosystem of local business, healthcare groups, academic institutions and professionals alike. (Federal Tax ID:83-2081360).

get in touch

Contact our partners

Peer Voices of Orange County (PVOC)

Peer Voices of Los Angeles (PVLA)

Peer Voices Network (PVN)

Globo Productions LLC

Peer Voices of San Diego (PVSD)

Humanistic Technologies Inc. (HTI)

Free Non Profit Marketing (FNPM)

Poppy Life Care Foundation (PLCF)

Peers and Clinicians Collaborative Alliance (PCCA)

With support from Goldstein Consultants (GC)